Monday, December 29, 2008

Together. . .that says it ALL

Being together as a family, anytime and anywhere, really does say it all. I love the life God has blessed us with. Family means everything to me. I love the beautiful children and grandchildren God has given us. And we have been blessed with a wonderful 'family of God,' as well.
Thanksgiving was the holiday to spend at our home this year. All of us being together meant one thing. . .a family picture. . . voila. . . and here you have it. It's a little late, I know, because Thanksgiving is now just a memory but one that I will treasure. I wanted to share this picture with you all.

Christmas was wonderful !! The kids were in and out at different times so we enjoyed the gift-opening activity twice. Wow, was I ever surprised with what I received this year. I'm sure you can concur with the fact that it is difficult making a list. But my family did a great job of surprising me. My husband bought me a telescope!! (I had hinted and he remembered).
Now don't think me strange but I love to observe the heavens. (I think of Sis. Kilgore almost every time I stare into the night skies, she also loved the glory of the heavens God created) I will call my kids and tell them the next great event that will be occuring according to the media. "Watch the skies tonight" I will tell them . . . . And they do!! Sooo, back to my telescope. It is also a camera that captures the images. I can program into it what I want to view and it will automatically find it for me. It's been so overcast and rainy here since Christmas, I haven't had the opportunity to use it. Oh, but I will, believe me. I hope to share some of the sights with you all. And I must tell you of one more gift, one that is shared by my husband and me. A Goldwing Honda trike!!! Is it ever a beauty!!! We can't wait to take our first trip on it. I would post a picture but it appears that picture hasn't been downloaded, yet. Just know if you should see a white trike coming down the pike, wave, it just might be your Orange blogging friend. lol

On a more serious note. . .
I hope and pray each of you enjoy a wonderful New Year. I pray your family and your church prospers. Love ya'll


  1. How cool is that? A telescope! Awesome. Looking forward to the pics. And...a Honda Goldwing Trike! Incredible. Come to California and we'll travel the coast together. Of course we will be in the convertible. :) I love the family pic too. :)

  2. I now understand a little more about the telescope ... sounds awesome. And the trike ... oh my goodness! I can see it now ... Jeanetta coming down the pike on her trike with one arm wrapped around her telescope and the other holding her hat on ... or perhaps holding her babe! lol Love it! Also love the picture, a different pose from the one I received. Always love the pics ... keep them coming!!! Looking forward to the posts/words of wisdom also.
    I love you

  3. WOW! You're doing GREAT! I'm impressed!!! I'm sure you're not as "computer challenged" as you believe. Keep the posts coming. You will be "hooked on blogging" and will wonder why it took so long for you to join us. :) By the way, I LOVE the picture!!!! THANK YOU for our Christmas card. Love you!

  4. Awe look at you an "old pro" already! I can't wait for you to figure out that telescope! I am excited about seeing all the solar sight up close! I just had a brainstorm, jump on the trike and come see me!!!! Love you

  5. Wow! You are doing really good with your blog. I love the family picture.

    Ok I'm having a hard time seeing you on the trike! Telescope, yes but the trike seems out of the box! lol Enjoy all your new toys - telescope, trike and blog!

    I love looking into the heavenlies. I can't wait to see your pics.

    Happy New Year!

  6. Sis. Orange, I also LOVE telescopes. You and Bro. Orange need to come to Africa and look at the sky there - so much more clearer. Blessings to you and yours in the new year!

  7. Thankyou Sis. Vicki for the invite. Africa would be a trip of a lifetime!! And I guess what better way to know than to come and see for myself. Could we get there riding the "trike??" lol
